Category | Topics |
Taiga NextWhat’s all the fuzz about the next Taiga? What are working on? Do you want to help us shape Taiga Next? In this category you’ll be up to date with Taiga Next project.
TroubleshootingAre you having issues running Taiga locally?
Would you like some help in making some changes to it? Do you have any other questions about Taiga configuration or architecture? |
ContributionWant to talk about Taiga translations?
Would you like to see how other people are contributing to Taiga? |
Events and AnnouncementsWhat is the latest news?
Is there any cool future Taiga event? Is there any event the Taiga team should join? |
Improve your Agile with TaigaAre you looking for some tips on how to improve your agile team?
Scrum or Kanban? Would you like to share how your team is working with Taiga? |
Taiga basicsWould you like to learn more about Taiga?
How is the best way to migrate to Taiga? Do you have any doubts that you need help with? |
FAQWhat are the most common questions about Taiga? Find a quick answer for each one of them.
Taiga in your languageDo you feel more comfortable talking about Taiga in your own language?