Taiga on Docker, email not working

Hi @adispy

Taiga use the command email libs from python (specifically the implementation offered by Django) so it is something that is highly proven so errors are usually related to finding the appropriate values for configuration parameters.

Something that would be great is to have a command in taiga to test the SMTP connection with the server. But there isn’t. There is a command to send emails that is used to test all the emails in the application. But you need to load the sample data first.

docker compose exec taiga-back python manage.py sample_data
docker compose exec taiga-back python manage.py test_emails my_email@email.com

The first command creates example users and projects on the platform and the second sends an example of each email to the indicated email address. This way you can prove that the sending is done correctly.

There is another option, using the python shell.

docker compose exec taiga-back python manage.py shell

And type

from django.core.mail import send_mail
send_mail("subject", "body", "from@email.com", ["to@email.com"])

These two methods should show you the connection error traces on the screen.

On the other hand, to see the logs of the email sending in the platform you should review the taiga-back and taiga-async service (the emails are sent from an asynchronous task soemtimes).

This is an example error after an invitation has been sent:

I hope this info can help you.

Best regards