Agile coach: Main functions to perform

The role of an Agile coach is to help teams and organizations improve their performance by applying the principles and practices of Agile. This professional works with teams to help them become more flexible, collaborative, and customer-focused, and to deliver high-quality results efficiently and effectively. In this article, I will explore some of the main functions that a person with this role performs in order to support and guide teams in their Agile journey.

Understand the project goals and objectives and align them with the Agile values and principles.

An Agile coach can understand the project goals and objectives by having regular conversations with the project stakeholders, including the project manager, the team members, and the client. During these conversations, he/she can ask questions to clarify and understand how they align with the organization’s business objectives.

Once the project goals and objectives are clear, the Agile coach can align them with the Agile values and principles by ensuring that the project is focused on delivering value to the customer, is responsive to change, and is driven by collaboration and communication. It’s also important helping the team understand how the Agile values and principles apply to their work and how they can be incorporated into their daily practices.

Assess the team’s current level of Agile knowledge and expertise and provide training and support as needed.

An Agile coach can assess the team’s current level of Agile knowledge and expertise by observing their daily practices and interactions, having regular conversations with them, and asking them questions about their understanding of Agile principles and practices. As a coach, you can also conduct a formal assessment, such as a quiz or a test, to evaluate the team’s knowledge and skills.

Based on the assessment results, training and support can be provided to the team as needed. This may include on-the-job training, coaching individual team members, facilitating group learning sessions, and giving resources and materials to help the team improve their Agile knowledge and skills. As the person holding this role, you can also work with the team to identify areas where they need additional support and help them develop a plan to address those needs.

Identify potential roadblocks or challenges and develop a plan to address them.

An Agile coach can identify potential roadblocks or challenges by staying attuned to the team’s progress and challenges, having regular conversations with the team members, and observing their interactions and practices. You can also ask the team members for feedback on any challenges they are facing and solicit their input on potential solutions.

Once the impediments have been identified, you can work with the team to develop a plan to address them. This may involve facilitating a group discussion to brainstorm solutions, providing guidance and support to the team as they develop their plan, and helping the team implement the plan and track their progress. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the goals and objectives of the project, as the Agile coach you can also help the team stay focused and ensure that they are continuously improving their processes and practices.

Establish clear communication channels and processes for collaboration and decision-making.

An Agile coach can help establish clear communication channels and processes for collaboration and decision-making by facilitating regular meetings and discussions with the team. During these meetings, you can encourage open and honest communication, provide guidance on how to collaborate effectively and make decisions, and help the team develop processes and protocols for communication and collaboration.

You can also help the team establish a shared understanding of the goals and objectives of the project and ensure that everyone is on the same page. This may involve creating visual aids, such as project boards or calendars, to help the team track their progress and stay organized. As the person responsible for providing Agile guidance, you can also assist the team in establishing protocols for communicating with stakeholders and managing changes to the project plan.

Plan and facilitate regular meetings and retrospectives.

An Agile coach can plan and facilitate regular meetings and retrospectives by working with the team to establish a schedule for these meetings and identifying the topics and agenda items for each meeting. You can also provide guidance and support to the team on preparing for the meetings and facilitating the discussions during the meetings.

For regular meetings, especially at the beginning, you can help the team review their progress, discuss any challenges or obstacles they are facing, and identify areas for improvement. You can also help them to prioritize their work and develop a plan for the next iteration or sprint.

For retrospectives, as the Agile coach, you can help the team reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement. This may involve facilitating discussions on what went well, what didn’t go well, and what can be done differently in the future. While you are playing this coaching role, you can also help the team develop action items and a plan to implement the improvements, but sometimes you may get involved in those actions as another team member. It depends on how you have defined your relationship with the team and the rest of the organization.

Provide guidance and support to the team on how to effectively plan and manage their work.

An Agile coach can provide guidance and support to the team on how to effectively plan and manage their work by helping them understand and apply Agile principles and practices. This may involve providing training and coaching on Agile techniques, such as Scrum and Kanban, and helping the team develop an iterative and incremental plan for their work.

You can also help the team understand how to effectively prioritize their work, manage their time and resources, and track their progress. This may involve facilitating discussions on how to prioritize work based on customer value and how to use tools and techniques, such as burnup charts or cumulative flow diagrams, to track and forecast the progress.

In addition, the Agile coach can provide support to the team by acting as a mentor and advisor, offering guidance on how to overcome challenges and obstacles.

Be prepared to mediate and facilitate conflicts and promote a positive team dynamic.

An Agile coach can be prepared to mediate and facilitate conflicts and promote a positive team dynamic by developing a deep understanding of the team’s dynamics and being attuned to potential conflicts or challenges. You can also provide training and guidance to the team on how to effectively communicate and collaborate, and help the team establish clear protocols and processes for resolving conflicts and promoting a positive team dynamic.

If conflicts do arise, because you are playing this coaching role, you can facilitate discussions and mediate to help the team members understand each other’s perspectives and find common ground. As the Agile coach, you can also help the team develop strategies for preventing conflicts in the future.

In addition, this positive team dynamic can be promoted by regularly checking in with the team, providing feedback and support, and helping the team members develop a sense of trust, respect, and collaboration.

You go through this list before starting a project. By following this checklist, an Agile coach (or any other Agile leadership role) can ensure that they are well-prepared to support the team and contribute to the success of the project. Many of these issues can be addressed as part of a kind of workshop known as Agile inception. I encourage you to learn more about it or to give a comment below.