How to create webhooks and do actions?


I am beginner to taiga. I want to integrate taiga with frappe erpnext so for that i want to learn basics of taiga webhook how to work with it. I have created free account on cloud i have created project user story and sprints. I want to learn with webhook of taiga from basic configuring it and using it. I saw the documentation i understand the process but i didnt understand how to configure it with key and payload url.

Reference : Webhooks

Hi there,

I took a quick look at ERPNext documentation, and I cannot find any section for incoming webhooks.

Taiga sends a webhook, so your application must have some configuration to receive them. Once you configure them, your application should give you a payload URL (where it expects to receive the webhook payload) and a key.

Unfortunately, it does not seem that ERPNext can do that. I may be wrong, just had a quick look, but it certainly does seem that way.

Best regards!

Hello @Charlie ,

Can we create tasks and stories from ERPnext using webhook? is it possible ?

Taiga does not have incoming webhook support. You could build something with the API or Zapier (there is a Taiga integration for Zapier, and it seems there is none for ERPNext, so you would have to connect Zapier to ERPNext webhook, and then to Taiga)

@Charlie …does taiga provides payload url and secrete key which i can use for other application ???.

Hi again!

No, it does not. As mentioned before, Taiga does not accept incoming webhooks, only sends them. The payload URL and the secret key are given by the application supporting incoming webhooks.

Best regards!