Overriding the logout redirect in frontend

Hi, it’s me again :slight_smile:

I am running a self-hosted Taiga via Docker.

I need to modify the Logout action in the user’s dropdown nav so that after it performs authService.logout(), it redirects to a different URL instead of ‘discover’. (and an actual redirect, not just changing the location URL which is what seems to currently be the case)

I have been trying to add my own compiled coffee script as its own frontend plugin, but I’m not having luck. I’m not a frontend dev and this is my first time using Angular etc :frowning:

Would any frontend Taiga devs be able to show me a simple example ?

I am already using an OIDC plugin that extends the Login interface to add an OIDC login button. I am trying to do the same sort of thing with the Logout option but I still need it to perform the native authService.logout() as seen here: taiga-front/app/modules/navigation-bar/dropdown-user/dropdown-user.directive.coffee at e032ca756e8bc48678bd18d8a4c992b6ae4f737e · taigaio/taiga-front · GitHub

I was (once again) able to solve my problem and got some Angular code to work which reacts to the $auth:logout broadcast: