Taiga front end not loading

This is kind of a weird one. I have a relatively new Taiga install (self-hosted, docker), and something has gone wrong with the front end. In the console I get the following two errors:

Loading failed for the with source “http://example.com/v-1631701833072/js/libs.js”. (obviously that’s not the actual domain where Taiga is installed - I have redacted it)

Uncaught ReferenceError: s is not defined
onerror http://example.com/v-1631701833072/js/app-loader.js:1

Looking at the logs, I see this warning in taiga-gateway-1, which is obviously related: 2024/08/15 06:34:02 [warn] 31#31: *54 an upstream response is buffered to a temporary file /var/cache/nginx/proxy_temp/2/00/0000000002 while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: “GET /v-1631701833072/js/libs.js HTTP/1.0”

I have tried restarting the docker containers, but that hasn’t helped.

Has anyone else had this problem before? Any suggestions for fixing it?

Turns out this wasn’t a problem with anything in the docker containers, it was with nginx on the server itself. More investigation showed that I was getting partial content returned for libs.js, and reloading the page often enough would eventually get everything downloaded.

If anyone else has this happen, I had to make the following change to my nginx.conf:

proxy_buffering off;