Installing Taiga on Oracle Cloud


I am a new user, trying to install Taiga on Oracle Cloud. In the virtual network interface card of Oracle Cloud, ports 21 to 9999 are open to TCP connections.

I did :

git clone


cd taiga-docker/

followed by

git checkout stable

I edited docker-compose.penpot.env :

 Should be set to the public domain when penpot is going to be
# served.
PENPOT_FLAGS=enable-registration enable-login enable-demo-users disable-email-verification disable-smtp enable-log-emails

# Standard database connection parametes (only postgresql is
# supported):


I notice that ./ will fail with: docker compose -f build. So according to this guide, I installed docker-compose, and changed the bash files launch-all and launch-taiga :

set -x
exec docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.penpot.yml up -d $@

I also edit the .env file :

TAIGA_SCHEME=http  # serve Taiga using "http" or "https" (secured) connection  # Taiga's base URL
SUBPATH="/taiga" # it'll be appended to the TAIGA_DOMAIN (use either "" or a "/subpath")
WEBSOCKETS_SCHEME=ws  # events connection protocol (use either "ws" or "wss")

Then I do

docker-compose up -d

Then i try:

http:// my. oracle.public.ip → NGINX welcome page is visible
http:// my. oracle.public.ip/taiga → 404 error
http:// my. oracle.public.ip:9000/taiga → 404 error
http:// my. oracle.public.ip/taiga:9000 → 404 error
http:// my. oracle.public.ip:9001 → penpot registration page visible.

[Space added because new user. In the links, actually i call them without space]

How can I install taiga on Oracle Cloud? Thank you.

hey @IT_Medellin welcome to our community.

This seems a configuration problem. There are a couple of things you could try in order to find the issue:

  • ensure you’re editing the proper file. You mentioned that you want to install Taiga but you’re editing the penpot compose. Edit the “docker-compose.yml” which the taiga one
  • remove complexity and start with localhost:9000 in your local machine. If everything goes fine, next step, with domain and nginx.
  • review closely the nginx configuration and the domain. It’s not “illegal” but I would not expect a proxy pass listening in the port 9000. Typically, the domain/IP is “”, with a ngnix listening 80 and 443 ports, and with a redirect to the process in the port 9000. Again, it’s not the only way, but there is a chance that you’re mixing both ways.

I hope some of these tips help you, cheers!!

I also mentioned that i edited the .env file as wel, and copied the snippet. the file docker-compose.yml refers to the .envfile.

I do not see what to edit in the docker-compose.yml file that can help.

Hi @IT_Medellin

My wild guess is:

  • you should set this configuration without the port, so it reaches the nginx
  • you should configure the nginx to proxy to port 9000 where the taiga-gateway container should be listening

I don’t have all the information about your configuration, so it’s a long shot, but I’d give it a try.
