Is the Asana importer available in self-hosted instances?

I have just set up a self-hosted Taiga instance and would like to import tasks from an Asana project.

Migrate from Asana to Taiga mentions that there is an Asana importer, however, I only see it in the official instance, not in my self-hosted version.

The Taiga 30min Setup post explains how to set up GitHub, Jira and Trello importers, but sadly, Asana is not mentioned there.

I also found these two issues on GitHub that don’t really help me any further:

Therefore, my question: Is the Asana importer available in self-hosted instances? If so, what do I have to configure to enable it?

Thank you in advance for your time!

I figured this out: Yes, the Asana importer is available in self-hosted instances.

However, it is a bit tricky to set it up.

Step 1: Register your instance as an app in Asana

  1. Open the “My apps” view in Asana.
    • Direct link:
    • Step by step: Log in, click on your profile picture, choose “My Settings…”, go to “Apps”, click on “Manage Developer Apps”
  2. Click “Create a new app”.
  3. Enter a descriptive “App name”. Asana will display this name on the authorization screen to all users who want to import projects from Asana, so choose something end-user-friendly.
  4. Choose if you want to subscribe to the newsletter, agree to the terms and conditions and click “Create app”.

You should be redirected to a screen showing you a Client ID and a Client secret. Those are important, we’ll need them later (you can come back to this screen at any time, so no need to copy them right now – I just wanted to mention them here so I can refer to it later).

  1. Go to the “OAuth” section.
  2. Click “Add redirect URL”.
  3. Enter https://[YOUR_TAIGA_DOMAIN]/project/new/import/asana. Replace [YOUR_TAIGA_DOMAIN] with wherever your Taiga instance is hosted. [1]
  4. Click “Add”.

You will need the Redirect URL later.

Step 2: Configure taiga-back

I used the dockerized 30 min setup as described in the forum. In this case, you need to adjust taiga- back, taiga-async and taiga-front. We start with the configuration of taiga-back.

The steps to follow are pretty similar to what you’d need to do to install the taiga-contrib-auth-ldap-ext LDAP plugin, so I won’t duplicate them here.

Follow the steps for taiga-back described in the linked document below, however, use the contents of the Dockerfile and custom-back/ provided below in this post.

:link: Configuration of taiga-back


Click here to expand
IMPORTERS["asana"] = {
    "active": True,
    "callback_url": "[YOUR_REDIRECT_URL]",
    "app_id": "[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]",
    "app_secret": "[YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET]",
  • [YOUR_CALLBACK_URL]: Replace this with the Redirect URL mentioned above.
  • [YOUR_CLIENT_ID]: Replace this with the Client ID mentioned above.
  • [YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET]: Replace this with the Client Secret mentioned above.


Click here to expand
FROM taigaio/taiga-back:latest

# Insert custom configuration into the taiga configuration file
COPY /taiga-back/settings
RUN cat /taiga-back/settings/ >> /taiga-back/settings/ && rm /taiga-back/settings/

These instructions will copy the file into the container, append its contents to the and then delete the file again because it is not needed any more.

Step 3: Configure taiga-async

taiga-async uses the same image as taiga-back and also needs to configured for Asana import.
You can luckily re-use the configuration for taiga-back, by simply changing the taiga-async section in the docker-compose.yml file:

There, replace image: taigaio/taiga-back:latest with build: ./custom-back. [2]

Step 4: Configure taiga-front

For the taiga-front configuration, you can again follow the steps described in the README for the LDAP plugin, as the only difference is the content of the configuration JSON file:

:link: Configuration of taiga-front


This file needs to contain (among the default options) the entry:

"enableAsanaImporter": "true",

  1. If you want to make sure the URL you entered is valid, go to Taiga, create a new project and choose the “Import project” option. Append /asana to the URL shown in your browser’s address bar. This is the URL you need to enter as redirect URL. ↩︎

  2. The specified entrypoint is what makes the container the taiga-async container, so it is not a problem that build still builds a taiga-back image. ↩︎