Project in Private by default

I have just installed taiga in a container and I would like to know if it was possible to set the new projects by default to private instead of public?
That is to say that the project is already private at the time of creation instead of public.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Nobody know how i can do that? Or maybe it’s not possible?

Hi @Gouje - indeed, it seems the core Taiga code sets the ‘Public Project’ input element to ‘checked’ (on) by default.

I tried, with javascript, but could not get it to override it to set Private Project to checked instead :frowning:

Instead, I wonder if you have had a look at this: Can we restrict Project Creation to some members or roles only? - #2 by david.barragan . If you go to the Django admin interface at /admin and set ‘Max number of owned public projects’ to ‘0’ for the user instead of empty.

In my tests, this makes the ‘Private Project’ the default choice, and it is not possible to choose Public at all. However, this only works if the user is not the ‘superuser’ of the whole Taiga instance.