SAML auth Plugin

I have following issue:
After installing SAML auth plugin when i click on “sign in with saml” i get directed to this site:

It gives me an error 404 message:

I excluded following part in the installation, because it caused me to get a bad gateway error 502.

"Modify your taiga/ and include these lines:




urlpatterns += [url(r’^saml/', include(‘taiga_contrib_saml_auth.urls’))]"

Id be happy for some help
Thanks very much.


I suppose this is the plugin you are trying to use GitHub - jgiannuzzi/taiga-contrib-saml-auth: Taiga plugin for SAML authentication

I’m not sure it will work at all, given that the project has not seen changes in 5 years, and Taiga has had many changes during that time.

In any case, the error it is giving you know is precisely because of not adding the urlpatterns. Taiga does not recognize the “/saml/” path, and thus it returns a 404.

Hope this helps!
