Something happened and the Taiga has captured the error to be able to work on it (also)

I’m having trouble with Taiga and I’m not sure how to begin to troubleshoot. This Taiga install has been working for nearly a year and suddenly I’m getting this error:

Something happened and the Taiga has captured the error to be able to work on it.

I’m going locally on the LAN to port 9000, it was working. I pulled the latest docker images trying to fix it.

Can anyone help me figure out where to start looking to fix this? Browser Network troubleshooting tab attached

Hi @southeasterntech,

It seems like a communication problem between taiga-front and taiga-back, that isn’t answering the data requests.

I’m not sure if it’s your case, but there was a change in the docker configuration approach, and the newest docker images uses a .env file instead of updating the docker-compose.yml directly.

Take a look to the migration guide. If it’s that, you’ll have to re-apply your previous configuration in the .env file.


Daniel, thanks for replying…

Could this have happened in just the last week? in my existing .env file I do see some of my own values… like a SECRET KEY password.

If I already have a .env file with my password in it, wouldn’t that mean that I was already using the newer setup with the .env file?

I’m happy to go through the migration guide of course, just don’t want to do so if that’s not the problem. What do you recommend?

Thanks again.

Tried the migration guide, seems there was already a .env file, and on current versions of docker\compose.

Something curious though, it’s referring to several orphan containers.