Taiga does not send emails


I know this is a recurring theme, but I wanted to get email working…
I run Taiga 6.7.3 plain backend with Redis and RabbitMQ (on by default), but nothing else. I have full control over the server, which runs Bookworm. Taiga runs in its own virtualenv. When I create a ticket, I would expect an email to be sent to my mailbox. However, nothing ever happens. The mail server is on localhost, and I ran Taiga single-threaded on the console to see anything, and tcpdump on the socket at the same time, but I can’t even see a connection attempt with tcpdump.

I have tried the three backends smtp, console and filebased, but got nothing this way, either, also not with debugging turned on.

What gives, when and where should I expect an email, or where should I look in the code for this, please?

Hi there!

From the way you describe it I assume you are not using docker, but the information and steps here would still (mostly) apply: Taiga on Docker, email not working - #5 by david.barragan

Did you read this post?


Hi Charlie!

No, I did not read that post before. The new thing I saw there, is that I can send a test email, although the command changed slightly:

(venv) $ python manage.py sendtestemail my@email
(venv) $

As a result, the email ended up in the mail server’s queue. The test message arrived no problem.

I was typing too fast. Let me keep debugging first.

Running Taiga single-threaded in the foreground and creating and deleting a ticket should have resulted in an email somewhere. I tried with all the three backends in turn, but no dice. If Taiga would have tried to send the email, I would have expected to see it on the console when using the console backend, or I would have expected some packets flowing to the SMTP receiver, but there was just nothing. Therefore, my current guess is that Taiga does not even try to send a message.

Hi @Toni

I don’t know exactly the steps you are following but you should keep in mind that the user who creates the element will never receive an email. He is the one who creates, so he should not be notified.


Hi David,

that was the crucial bit of information here. Should I have found this in the documentation somewhere?

Thank you!


No, it is something that does not appear in the documentation. I guess it is the expected behavior. Don’t notify the person doing the action so as not to overwhelm them with many emails with information that they already knows.

Here is the code that prevents the notification.

Hi David,

thank you! Your argument is pretty plausible, but I’ve also seen software that does email you (or rather, me) on every occasion, no matter who did something. IOW, not all software is the same, and imho, spelling this out wouldn’t hurt, imho.

Thank you,

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