Taiga Markdown Syntax

### Phrase Emphasis
**bold** __bold__

bold bold

_italic_   *italic*

italic italic





An [example](http://url.com/ "Title")

An example

Reference-style labels

An [example][id]. Then, anywhere else in the doc, define the link:

[id]: http://example.com/ "Title"

An example. Then, anywhere else in the doc, define the link:

URL autolinking

Go to http://example.com

Go to http://example.com

Taiga user mentions

Use @<username>, for example

Hello, my name is @imontoya. You killed my father.

Hello, my name is @imontoya. You killed my father.

Taiga USs, Tasks and Issues references

Use #<ref>, for example:

The user story #9.
The task #13.
The issue #42.

The user story #9. The task #13. The issue #42.

Taiga Wiki links

An [[example-one]] or [[example-two|Example 2]] of wiki links.

An example-one or Example 2 of wiki links.



![alt text](circle1.svg "Title")



![alt text][id]

[id]: /static/images/circle1.svg "Title"



An example emoticon :smile:

An example emoticon :smile:

See a complete list of emoticons at this Emoji Cheatsheet.



    Header 1

    Header 2

atx-style (closing #’s are optional)

# Header 1 #

## Header 2 ##

### Header 3 ###

#### Header 4 ####

##### Header 5 #####

###### Header 6 ######


Ordered, without paragraphs

1.  Foo
2.  Bar
  1. Foo
  2. Bar

Unordered, with paragraphs

* A list item.

    With multiple paragraphs (extra line break between the list and paragraph).

* Bar
  • A list item.With multiple paragraphs.
  • Bar

You can nest them

*   Abacus
    * answer
*   Bubbles
    1.  bunk
    2.  bupkis
        * BELITTLER
    3. burper
*   Cunning
  • Abacus
    • answer
  • Bubbles
    1. bunk
    2. bupkis
    1. burper
  • Cunning


Add dashes ( - ) and brackets with a space ( ) in front of an item. Add an x in between the brackets to show it as selected.

- [x] Item 1
- [ ] Item 2
- [ ] Item 3


This is a table:

 Header 1  | Header 2
---------- | ----------
Cell 1.1   | Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1   | Cell 2.2
Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1.1 Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2

Another example with extra pipes on the ends:

| Header 1  | Header 2  |
|---------- | ----------|
| Cell 1.1  | Cell 1.2  |
| Cell 2.1  | Cell 2.2  |
Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1.1 Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2

An example with inline Markdown:

| Header 1    | Header 2          |
|------------ | ----------------- |
| *Cell 1.1*  | http://cell12.com |
| Cell 2.1    | ~~Cell 2.2~~      |
Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1.1 http://cell12.com
Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2


> Email-style angle brackets
> are used for blockquotes.

> > And, they can be nested.

Email-style angle brackets are used for blockquotes.

And, they can be nested.

> * You can quote a list.
> * Etc.
  • You can quote a list.
  • Etc.

Code Spans

`<code>` spans are delimited
by backticks.

You can include literal backticks
like `` `this` ``.

<code> spans are delimited by backticks.

You can include literal backticks like this.

Preformatted Code Blocks

Auto highlight code block

using backticks (```)

    ` ` `
    This is
    a text example
    ` ` `
This is
a text example

Specific highlight code block

    def hello(world):
def hello(world):

Horizontal Rules

Three or more dashes or asterisks:


* * *

- - - -

  1. Some of the links or images are 404 by now: a link rot.
  2. Does this Markdown support scripts? I tried using the ncase one in a project wiki, but failed.

Thanks for your feedback, @Manamama !
We’ve updated the broken links.
Concerning your question, no, it is not possible to use scripts in the wiki markdown.

I am trying to use de code block in comments on tasks to add a bash script code, but when I click save it adds a lot of " " in the code. I think it is a bug, where is the right place to report it?

Is there a way to escape an ‘@’ symbol so that it doesn’t act as a username link? eg if I want to write @taiga without the hyperlink. I can use backticks to format it as code, is that the only option? eg @taiga.

Is there a way to use collapsable sections?

This method doesn’t seen to work when I host taiga

This text will be hidden 