Can I close a project?

Users sometimes ask about how to close a project, so it is hidden from the main list of projects.

Currently, Taiga does not have this capability.

Meanwhile, here are some options that can alleviate this issue:

  • Projects can be sorted from the main list Taiga using the handler on the right. You can move old projects to the bottom.

  • Combined with ordering the projects, you can prefix the name of the project with something like [CLOSED] or [ARCHIVED].

  • You can leave as member, so the project won’t appear on the list.

  • Finally, you can export the project to a JSON dump and delete it.

Maybe it could be a good feature to add to Taiga. What do you think?

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It would be great to have that feature.

Here is how I solved it in a different way:

  1. Went into the Django /admin area and set a ‘blocked’ status on the project e.g blocked_by_staff

  2. Added an override to the CSS (e.g with a plugin like this) to hide projects that have .blocked-project as a class:

li.blocked-project {
    display: none;

a.blocked-project {
    display: none !important;

div.blocked-project {
    display: none
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