Export/Archive to HTML and CSV

For archiving purposes we wanted to convert the json exports to a format that is slightly easier to read by humans.

So we developed a php script that takes the standard json export and splits it into CSV files for tasks/user_stories. With all attachments in a separate directory.
And a very basic html representation of the same content.

The script is available on: Convert Taiga json export to HTML and CSV · GitHub

Advice is to also keep the json files, so a prettier representation can always be created at a later date.

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Hi @helmo,

Thank you very much for your contribution. I’m sure it will be very useful for the community and the script can serve as inspiration for other developments.

Taiga has a reporting module too in the administration panel of a project that also offers urls to csv files updated in real time with the most relevant information of Epics, User Stories, Tasks and Issues.

Here is a sort explanation about it: Making CSV reports

Best regards

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