I did these steps to recompile the images, but when I changed the logo or some style, the change was not displayed.
Then you just have to recompile the docker images.
For the backend
cd taiga-back/
docker build --no-cache -f docker/Dockerfile -t taigaio/taiga-back:latest .
And for the interface
cd taiga-front/
docker build --no-cache -f docker/Dockerfile -t taigaio/taiga-front:latest .
Currently, we’re generating a .zip with the compiled sources and download during the build stage. So, you should change the Dockerfile to make your new code get there. There are different ways:
multistage dockerfile. First step compiles your code and second step uses it instead of using the official
compile your modified code locally and copy it to the Dockefile.
In both cases you should remove the wget command as it downloads a version that you don’t want.