How to create new task with value in the custom field?

Help please.
Currently, I use this code for create a task which belongs to the user story.

    "project": "11111",
    "subject": "Subject",
    "description": "Description 111",
    "user_story": "222222"

But I create new custom field name is Test data. So how can I create new task with input the value in custom field
I tried to use this code but not work.

    "project": "11111",
    "subject": "1112288999",
    "description": "Desc 22222",
    "user_story": "2222222",
    "attributes_values": {
        "id of custom field": "value 1111"

Hi there,

You need to make a patch to the task object afterwards, with data like this:

        "attributes_values":  {
                "25117": "test"
        "version": 1

But this would be a patch to the task object you created previously.

Hope this helps!

Best regards!