How to install Taiga in 3 minutes ))

I made the instructions: how to install Taiga in 3 minutes.
I suggest you check and tell me your impressions.


Thanks for your contribution! :tada:

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Here you will find the instructions for installing Penpot in 3 minutes))

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I’m looking forward to TaigaNEXT :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks! Works like a charm. I just needed to copy docker-compose-inits.yml into the directory.

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I added docker-compose-inits.yml into the directory.
I’m glad that everything worked out for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When I studied the local installation manual, I spent a whole week and my results were very limited. It took me a few more weeks to explore all possible options for other applications in order to find the most convenient, fastest and most comfortable way to install this application. :hugs:

Thank you very much for this. it’s super cool and i did get it spun up and i can see the page. However, when i try to create the superuser i get “./ command not found”

any suggestions would be appreciated as i can’t seem to find anything anywhere else in the forum that matches this exactly.

Try it this way. It looks like I forgot to add a command so that the script could run. On github, I have already written this line in the instructions. As soon as you try, write about the result.
So that the script can run, we make it executable

chmod +x

Then we create a user

./ createsuperuser

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I was able to get users created which is AWESOME. I have another question regarding the version here and functionality.

I saw that variables and functions such as “Login with Gitlab” are missing on this version. is this just because the file was simplified or is it completely stripped out of this version of Taiga?

For additional customization, read this documentation:

1.5. Additional customization

Gitlab OAuth login

All these customization options are by default disabled and require you to edit docker-compose.yml.

You should add the corresponding environment variables in the proper services (or in &default-back-environment group) with a valid value in order to enable them. Please, do not modify it unless you know what you’re doing.

thank you for your solution. However i am facing error while sending email using mailersend I set the all the credentials correctly… still i am unable to use the smtp to add new users. Do you have any idea about this scenario… I used following .env

EMAIL_BACKEND=smtp  # use an SMTP server or display the emails in the console (either "smtp" or "console") 

i am getting this error smtplib SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b’Too many failed login requests from 143.244.1 eventhough i typed the credentials letter by letter … and also double verified the characters… still i am getting the error… It would be great if anybody give a solution.

I was able to setup Taiga and got to the login screen!!! Awesome I’ve been banging my head against a wall with Taiga’s install instructions for 3 days now, your install went through smooth! 1 problem, i’m able to run the create superuser script but when I try to login with them it dosen’t work. Strangely the reset password says that user dosen’t exist but when running the script a second time it says that user already exists. I created 2 users and same issue with both. Any idea?