When I try to import my project into Jira this appears {“_error_message”: “M\u00e9todo ‘GET’ n\u00e3o \u00e9 permitido”, “_error_type”: “taiga.base.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed”}
Are you using a self-hosted Taiga instance, or tree.taiga.io ?
If you are using a self-hosted version, please make sure you have enabled the Jira section of the importers in both taiga-front and taiga-back. Also, make sure that the URL you set in Jira is your own.
Maybe this other thread can help you Is there any more in depth guide on how to configure Jira project import?
Teresa good morning I’m using tree.taiga.io
Are you using Jira Cloud or self-hosted?
Taiga’s import feature for Jira does not work with Jira Cloud.
Taiga does not support Jira releases from 8.6.
You have more help in this post Migrate from Jira to Taiga
I use jira cloud, it’s a shame I can’t import to Taiga. Is there any way to import jira tasks in another format with csv or xml?
Sorry, Taiga’s import feature for Jira doesn’t work with Jira Cloud and there isn’t any way to import Jira tasks.
We’ll keep that in mind for our next version, Taiga Next .