Who has to pay to use taiga.io?

Taiga is an Open Source platform. At the same time, we provide a freemium cloud/SaaS offer so you can use our own infrastructure to host all your projects and teams. Depending on your use, we may charge for this service.

But who has to actually pay?

A project owner that needs to go beyond the FREE PLAN needs to pay a monthly or yearly amount based on Taiga’s Pricing Policy. This project owner is responsible for the payment of all their projects’ team members. Project owners only pay once per team member, regardless of how many projects those team members belong to or the overall number of private projects a project owner administers.

As a project owner, you can always check which Taiga users are counting towards your paid subscription under user settings subscription settings.

Regular team members, even if they enjoy the ADMIN role in a number of projects, do not pay. They are taken care of by their Taiga project owner.

Of course, a Taiga user could be a regular user under a paying Taiga project owner and, with that same Taiga account, be project owner to others. In that case, this Taiga user would pay for their respective projects’ team members.

Newby question :: What exactly constitutes “project owner that needs to go beyond the FREE PLAN”?

I don’t see what the limitations are for the FREE PLAN?

Hi @MiamiCityMan
Currently, the only difference between a Paid Plan and a Free Plan is the premium support. We made some changes in our paid plans some months ago, as you can read in this post: New Year Resolutions!


Thank you. Sorry for delayed response.

@natacha : thanks a lot for your explanation.

You said “the only difference between a Paid Plan and a Free Plan is the premium support.”…

This information deserves to be shown and highlighted on the Taïga home page, IMHO.


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Thanks for your suggestion @Alomphega , and welcome to our community!
We’ll pass your suggestion to our marketing team. However, we have a pricing section on the website menu where this info shown.


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