So I set up a pod with the following services -
taiga-back - port 8000
taiga-gateway - port 9000 (exposed on
taiga-events - port 8888
taiga-front - port 80 (exposed on
rabbitmq - port 5762 (exposed on
When I open the front end I still get an error
“Something has happened and the Taiga has captured the error to be able to work on it”
If I then look in the developer tools (F12) in the browser I can see a number of errors
Leaving the CORS errors to one side as I think I can troubleshoot those on my own, the events container seems to be having some problems.
In the browser I get the following error when the front end is trying to access the service
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: app.js:3322
The offending line of code at app.js:3322 reads = new;
and putting a breakpoint on this line and refreshing the page I can see the url is
Starting Taiga events
> taigaio-events@6.8.0 start:production
> NODE_ENV=production node ./src/index.js
{"message":"WS server is started","level":"info","service":"taiga-events","timestamp":"2024-06-21 07:02:27"}
{"message":"Liveness / Readiness server was started in http://localhost:3023/healthz","level":"info","service":"taiga-events","timestamp":"2024-06-21 07:02:27"}
{"message":"ws-connection-open: 58ab1275-843d-47fa-a54e-faa57b7d163a","level":"info","service":"taiga-events","timestamp":"2024-06-21 07:03:42"}
{"message":"auth: {\"cmd\":\"auth\",\"data\":{\"token\":\"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE5MDM3NTA5LCJqdGkiOiJiOTAxNzU2OTczZTg0MDc4OWY1YTlhNmI4MDU3ZmVjYiIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjV9.BBLMYwl8Cufnr3kQrfwzStElr1r6RVeYeCMxvexZ9tM\",\"sessionId\":\"5f191fbc8a06f6765d089da2caf654b1978507f6\"}}","level":"info","service":"taiga-events","timestamp":"2024-06-21 07:03:43"}
{"message":"subscribe: {\"cmd\":\"subscribe\",\"routing_key\":\"notifications\"}","level":"info","service":"taiga-events","timestamp":"2024-06-21 07:03:43"}
{"message":"subscribe: {\"cmd\":\"subscribe\",\"routing_key\":\"web_notifications.5\"}","level":"info","service":"taiga-events","timestamp":"2024-06-21 07:03:43"}
{"message":"Unhandled Rejection: \"Error: Expected ConnectionOpenOk; got <ConnectionClose channel:0>\"","level":"error","service":"taiga-events","timestamp":"2024-06-21 07:03:43"}
I am not able to proceed with troubleshooting this further without some guidance. Please can you help?