How to add a storyless task to Kanban - self hosted

We have the self hosted Taiga and on the Kanban board we would like to add a storyless task - one not attached to any particular user story.
Example ‘Add tester 123 to kanban’
Without needing to add a user story and complete the task checkbox.
Can you clarify how this can be done? Thanks.

Hi there!

You cannot have storyless tasks in the Kanban module, everything in the Kanban is a User Story. You can have them in the Taskboard of a Sprint in the Scrum module.

I also recommend using the Issues module for that kind of small, one-off tasks that are not part of a User Story like ‘Add tester 123 to Kanban’

Hope this helps!

Thanks for your reply.
I had setup a group and called it Miscellaneous for the one off tasks.
Your suggestion the Issues module sounds a good one.