We cannot export our project using the web UI (export project) for some unknown reason. I think the possible reason is that the project is too big. When I try to create a dummy project and export it, it is successful.
I tried to export it using the CLI
docker exec -ti taiga-docker-taiga-back-1 /bin/bash
root@ed360cc1cadd:/taiga-back# python manage.py dump_project -v 3 -f gzip my-project
However, if I try to export my dummy project, it was successful.
root@ed360cc1cadd:/taiga-back# python manage.py dump_project -v 3 -f gzip dummy-project
-> Generate dump of project 'dummy-project' in './dummy-project.json.gz'
I don’t see any logs in another window running docker-compose logs -f
where can I check why it failed?
Our Taiga is running using Docker (using the 30-minute setup documentation).