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New features 
Creating Kanban statuses
The very first step in adapting the Kanban to the team’s workflow is to allow creating new statuses.
As any other customization feature that affects the team this responsibility relies just on the project admins, and we wanted it to be a fast and accessible experience. It’s very similar to the story creation process. In the next demo you’ll be able to check both functionalities, and just using the keyboard!
Changing the status name
Team processes evolve over time, and the kanban should reflect those changes in their statuses for sure. It’s a direct functionality, but also an opportunity to show you the attention we pay to the efficiency communicating those changes to the other team members. No matter what they’re doing in the kanban, they’ll get updated instantly.
These two functionalities also include the typical error control, but we haven’t included them in the video. You can take it for granted
Deleting Kanban statuses
Here we have a potentially dangerous feature when not handled it with care. We want the project admin to be conscious at every step of the deletion process, providing different options depending on the status context:
- If the status is empty, the status we’ll deleted on the fly
- If the status has stories, we will ask the admin what to do with the stories:
- Move the stories to another status (by default selected)
- Delete them as well
Again, it’s crucial to keep other users well reported of the changes in the kanban in order to avoid unwanted situations. You can check this behaviour in the following video:
Creating story comments
We have the honor to introduce you the first direct communication tool between users: The comments in the kanban’s stories!
Here we decided to use a reduced version of the editor used in the story description, including just the basic tools. But don’t worry, they’re more than enough to left pretty comments.
In the video you’ll see an example of a project member losing his permissions to comment in ‘real’ time (once the security period to undo the action ends), and how she gets informed with a message.
Delete story comments
A basic member can delete just her own comments while the admin can delete anyone’s comments. While this is true, both of them can just edit their own comments as you’ll see in the following demo. You’ll also verify the confirmation popup to avoid unwanted deetlions.
And that’s all by now folks. Stay tuned and see you next time!