Mermaid charts are really useful for quickly making diagrams which are valuable for explaining definitions of success, issues, or illustrating any point really.
It is very widely used and is already supported by jira, huly, github, gitlab, googledocs and more.
I think it would be a great addition to taiga, currently I am making mermaid diagrams, converting them to png and adding them as an image but, even ignoring these extra steps, it is not as good as being able to use the mermaid syntax in taiga directly.
Mermaid blocks are easily edited by my team on task descriptions so we can update them collaboratively as our plans or understanding develop.
Hello, are you suggesting this idea for Taiga or Taiga-Next?
Ideally both, but from the look of it kaleidos will be spending most of it’s resources on Taiga-Next/Tenzu.
Our current projects are on Taiga so it would be convenient to have it there. At the same time I’m confident there will be a push to use the new tools once they are available.
Even basic mermaid compatibility would be good. This would mean don’t spend time on panning, zoom or experimental charts. Just vanilla mermaid would still be very helpful for our team.
I have noticed that some mermaid implementations are better than others, github has the ability to pan and zoom, obsidian does not (but I think there is a plugin for it) and you need to change the css to have large charts fit the screen.
The best one I know of is the editor with drag-to-pan and smooth zoom/scrolling. The downside of that one is I believe they import the entire d3js library to do it.
tldr: Both if you can, taiga-next/tenzu if you cant! Even, vanilla mermaid on taiga would be better than no mermaid on taiga.
Taiga-Next/Tenzu is not worked on by Kaleidos anymore, it is us at BIRU that have taken on that responsibility (see this post for details) so I’ll be happy to answer you about Tenzu :).
I won’t be able to answer for Taiga 6 however, as that is now maintained by Taiga Cloud Service.
Thank you for your feedback about mermaid charts, I agree that there are use cases where it would be practical to have it embedded and editable inside story description. We will eventually make a new pass about what to include in our rich text editor, for now it’s pretty basic so we’ll have to think about it.
If you want to reach us about any idea or feedback, we now have a dedicated community discourse here, don’t hesitate to join, we’ll be more readily available there !