Having throubles closing a sprint containing an user story with a due

As you can see in the following image, this sprint has all its user stories finished, but it isn’t listed as a closed sprint, also, the time range defined for that sprint has passed long time ago, so, what can I do to close that sprint without removing its user story?


It’s a bit anoying because the sprint also appears in the side menu.

The only difference I see comparing it with my other sprints, is that this user story has a due date or deadline. Could it be causing the problem? Also, I cannot find a way to remove the due date as the button is disabled, so I’m hand tied right now.

Thank you for the help you can provide!

Hi @jota0222

is there any Unassigned task open? Due date should not affect.

Can you share the taskboard? of the sprint?

You can try to change the status of the user story to reopen the sprint and then close again.

hi David, thanks for the reply, it’s a private taskboard so I don’t know if you can access it, this is the link:

and no, there is no task open and reopening it, closing it again, and whatever I do don’t close that sprint. I even tried to remove the user story from the sprint, moving it to the non planed and to other sprints and it didn’t get closed.

As you can see, all the task in the taskboard are closed. I also tried moving them to Archived and it didn’t work.

Hi @jota0222,

your sprint has a pending issue (at the bottom of your image). You need to close, transfer or unlink this issue to get a closed sprint.

I hope this can help

Best regards

Thanks @david.barragan! it was it. I didn’t notice the issues were listed down there.

What is weird to me is why it’s not shown in the sprint planning view, it made this difficult to spot. Also a doubt arises, aren’t the issues something we should plan in the sprint as well? Maybe that’s something for a different post. Thank you again!