How do I adjust workflows from Jira? (task points, card view)

Hi I’m helping a team transition from Jira to a local Taiga instance.
They’re having some serious problems transitioning due to disruptions
to their workflow from features Taiga doesn’t seem to support support.

Is there any way these features can be added as a custom config/plugin?
Is there any chance of these features being implemented anytime soon?

If not what do you think is the best workaround?

  1. They use tasks with points that sum up to story points automatically.
    I saw a bug report on task points but it didn’t seem to be implemented.
    Any chance of task points being added anytime soon?
    Can we use a custom field for task points and if we do can we get it to show up on the cards/summary
    and can we automatically sum custom task points into story points?

  2. Although they are working with sprints they find the Kanban view more useful a lot of the time.
    Is there a way to filter kanban by sprint? (or at least by last change time?)
    Is there a way to make the Sprint view more like the Kanban view?

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We’re very happy you chose Taiga in your transition from Jira, and we really hope to provide some support in the process of translating their workflows.

Reviewing your comment, I’m sure you’ve already found by yourself this related topic covering the aspirational purposes of the user stories in Taiga. You can also consider reading this in-deep review covering the process of estimating in Taiga

Although we don’t intend to add any further features to Taiga6, we’ll consider your requirements for the next evolution we’re currently developing, Taiga Next.

An now, the workarounds we suggest you to try:

  1. While it’s not an intended usage, an easy way to simulate task points and make it appear in the summary sprint board, is by adding Tags to the tasks.
    You simply have to associate a new colored tag with the estimation points you consider to use to a task, and they’ll be displayed in the “Expanded view” as shown in the following image:

  1. We propose you two ways of simulating sprints in the Kanban view:
  • First option would be to use Swimlanes representing real sprints. They can be collapsed/un-collapsed at will to have a clearer Kanban view hiding unwanted/previous sprints.
  • Another workaround would be to use Epics representing real sprints, then adding your user stories to the matching sprint Epic, and finally filtering the Epics (spints) from the Kanban’s board filters.
    This way the board would just display user stories belonging to the selected epics (sprints).
    Please, remember to first enable the “Epic” module from the Settings panel (Settings > Project > Modules > Epics)

We hope to have offered some help in your migration from Jira.

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Can stories belong to multiple epics? Could we use regular epics and sprint dummy epics together? Trying it out it seems like you can but is it intended behavior? Might it cause any issues?

I answe you below each question.

Can stories belong to multiple epics?

Yes, a user story can belong to several epics.

Could we use regular epics and sprint dummy epics together? Trying it out it seems like you can but is it intended behavior? Might it cause any issues?

Yes, in every way a dummy sprint epic would be a regular epic one, and its intended behavior is to be closed when all its contained user stories are also closed. It shouldn’t cause any issue as long as you know how the epics work.

I recommend you to create a demo project recreating your needs by using different approaches (fake sprint epics, sprint swimlanes, estimation tags, kanban/scrum… ), in order to choose the one that offer less friction to your team in their daily operations.

You may find interesting these links about the epic user stories:

I find that going to the project itself is easier to change the workflow.

are there apis to read task tags(for points)/get stories in a sprint and set story points/epics a story belongs to?

Also are there webhooks so we could do this on task tag change/story added to sprint change?


Yes there’s an API you can use to recover the information you require, if not directly, indirectly making nested requests. Please, refer to our Taiga REST API documentation.
Just a quick tip, a sprint as we know it, it’s really a milestone in the API language.

And regarding your second question, you can also configure the webhooks in your project, from Project → Settings → Integrations → Webhooks

You can read the documentation about Webhooks to know about how to configure them and its payloads.

Once enabled, Taiga emits a http POST to the configured URL whenever:

  • a sprint is created, updated or deleted.
  • a user story is created, updated or deleted.
  • a task is created, updated or deleted.
  • an issue is created, updated or deleted.
  • a wiki page is created, updated or deleted.

For example, the payload data when a task is updated, would include its latest tags in the “data” key:

I hope it helps.