How do I adjust workflows from Jira? (task points, card view)


We’re very happy you chose Taiga in your transition from Jira, and we really hope to provide some support in the process of translating their workflows.

Reviewing your comment, I’m sure you’ve already found by yourself this related topic covering the aspirational purposes of the user stories in Taiga. You can also consider reading this in-deep review covering the process of estimating in Taiga

Although we don’t intend to add any further features to Taiga6, we’ll consider your requirements for the next evolution we’re currently developing, Taiga Next.

An now, the workarounds we suggest you to try:

  1. While it’s not an intended usage, an easy way to simulate task points and make it appear in the summary sprint board, is by adding Tags to the tasks.
    You simply have to associate a new colored tag with the estimation points you consider to use to a task, and they’ll be displayed in the “Expanded view” as shown in the following image:

  1. We propose you two ways of simulating sprints in the Kanban view:
  • First option would be to use Swimlanes representing real sprints. They can be collapsed/un-collapsed at will to have a clearer Kanban view hiding unwanted/previous sprints.
  • Another workaround would be to use Epics representing real sprints, then adding your user stories to the matching sprint Epic, and finally filtering the Epics (spints) from the Kanban’s board filters.
    This way the board would just display user stories belonging to the selected epics (sprints).
    Please, remember to first enable the “Epic” module from the Settings panel (Settings > Project > Modules > Epics)

We hope to have offered some help in your migration from Jira.

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