Launching Tenzu, TaigaNext new identity

Hello everybody, following the announcement and the few details I provided a couple weeks back, we are finally ready to reveal the new name and identity of TaigaNext!

As a quick recap, the BIRU company has been chosen by Kaleidos to continue the work on TaigaNext, and it is now our main focus for the coming years. We are a cooperative company with 6 people (5 devs, 1 product designer) all working hand-in-hand and specialised in custom web-app using Django and Angular.

Starting now, the new product will be called Tenzu! :smiley:

This is a made up word taken from japanese 天図 which means “sky map”; we though it worked well with what we are planning :slight_smile:

We are glad to present you the new home of Tenzu:
We also have set up a community space for you to reach us easily:
Don’t hesitate to come say hello!
All new communication about Tenzu will be done on; the TaigaNext section on this community website will soon be archived.

Where are we at?

Starting from the Taiga Next codebase, we have made some changes to adapt the product for our team and update it to the last versions of the frameworks that are used:

  • Upgrade to Django 5
  • Switch from FastAPI to Django Ninja to stay on a single framework (obviously I’m not advocating that this should be done in all case, but this choice works better in our context)
  • Upgrade to Angular 18
  • Switch to signalStore
  • Switch from taiga-ui to Angular Material

The new repository will be made public soon (see next section).

What’s next?

We are planning to open an online demo platform and give access to the git repository in October. We still have some things left before we can open the code, notably regarding the transfer of copyright, reviewing the contribution guidelines, etc. But the whole code will be opensourced and documented as soon as possible.

Tenzu’s demo platform will not an identical replica of TaigaNext alpha: we are starting from the grounds up with the goal of deploying a great product we can commit on maintaining over the years so we need to be humble at the start about what we provide :slight_smile:

Our vision

What we want to focus on is to provide an opinionated product that will bring equal value to the production team and the decision makers and to be relevant for the whole lifecycle of a projet, not only the conception/MVP phase but also for more mature projects that imply other work paradigms.

We want to make a tool able to guide a team with no prior project management expertise and to provide them with a sound methodology to follow.
Instead of providing many metrics that you can make beautiful charts with but that does not give you any clear decision-oriented information; we want to give you a concrete tool to keep the health of a project in check and to quickly give you remediation guidance wether the problem seems to be about, for example, bad prioritisation, technical debt or wrong market-fit.
And of course we share the initial vision of Kaleidos about making that product easily usable by anyone collaboratively with a focus kept on accessibility and inclusivity.

To that ends, lots of research will need to go into designing Tenzu.
If you are interested in providing feedback about your use of Taiga, another project management product or your project management process as whole, we would be happy to hear from you!

We are particularly interested in entrepreneurs working on project with high uncertainty levels. If you recognise yourself in the following:

  • You struggle to make informed decisions due to lack of data
  • Your project seems derail because of inadequate methodologies or prematurely ended guidance
  • You are facing challenges convincing investors without strong KPIs to back your venture

Please reach out!

Don’t hesitate to contact us via our community website or at

About TaigaNext alpha was an alpha release only meant as a demo. As Tenzu demo will be replacing TaigaNext alpha, will be closed soon (in two weeks tops).
If you are a user of and you have some data on it that you cannot bear to lose, please reach out to us as quickly as possible and we will try to think of a solution together.

I think I’ve said everything, I’m here to answer if you have any questions or you can ask those on the new community website.
I’m very excited about starting this new adventure with you all and I hope for a bright future for Tenzu!


Thanks so much Julie! The Tenzu project at BIRU resonates so well with our own vision and values around TaigaNext and Kaleidos!

This opportunity comes from the fact that we’re building amazing open source software, and this, in turn, allows us to consider different ways to look at how a project can evolve.

With this announcement, we finally close the circle.

  • Taiga Cloud Services will focus on Taiga6 and its natural evolution, providing SaaS and private cloud support via its feature-rich status.
  • BIRU will work on Tenzu (previously TaigaNext) exploring new ways to approach project management.
  • Kaleidos will focus on Penpot, a new design & prototyping tool that aims at finally solving the design and development workflows integration.

So excited!

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