State of Taiga as a whole

Hi all,

After having a look around the forum and the GitHub repositories, I have to ask:

Is Taiga dead?

Sorry for the bold question, but I just cannot make sense of it.

Per this post, “Taiga Cloud Services” took over the development and support for Taiga.
Per this post, TaigaNext will be developed by BIRU and Kaleidos is now a single-product company, only developing Penpot.

I couldn’t find any company named “Taiga Cloud Services SL” - Only a cloud provider named “Taiga Cloud Ltd.” who claims to be “Europe’s largest, in-region, provider of clean-energy-powered ML & AI compute capacity”, so does not seem to be the comany mentioned in the post.
BIRU at least seems to be a real company and has a website. However, the site shows no sign of any Taiga involvement.

Activity on the GitHub repositories for Taiga seems to have at least decreased a lot in the past few months.

And I don’t need to mention the state of this forum here. Announcements are rare, and posts asking for updates on the development stay unanswered.

As sad as it is, I don’t expect an “official” answer to this post, since I fear that the answer is “yes” and there’s no one left (or interested) to answer it.

If not, please correct me! I would love for Taiga to keep existing and growing, and I’m deeply grateful for all the work the Kaleidos team has put into it to get it to the place it is now.
However, I would then like to kindly ask the development team to just briefly explain the current state of all Taiga-related affairs, who is responsible for which area, and how the community can support the project. Because obviously, the communication to the public is less than ideal.


Hi there,

Charlie here, from Taiga Cloud Services.

Let’s first clarify that, indeed, we have nothing to do with Taiga Cloud Ltd. nor AI.

We are a company consisting of people involved with the support and development of Taiga for years, with some new faces as well. We do not have a website. Since we will only manage and develop Taiga, we think it’s enough with Taiga’s website. You can find us on company registries from Spain on Google, though.

BIRU will indeed be responsible for what was going to become Taiga Next, but will be called something else, under a different name and brand. (Perhaps @Chadys from BIRU may want to chime in here and clarify, since we are not affiliated).

Our top two priorities in Taiga Cloud Services are fixes (both bugfixes and performance improvements) and finalizing the migration.

Regarding fixes, the last release, less than a month ago, included a security fix that prevents XSS attacks, a massive improvement in query performance that affected both our SaaS and big self-hosted instances, and a few other bugfixes.

Regarding the migration, several elements have already been migrated, like infrastructure, support, and others. Some still need some time.

Once that is done, our plan is to continue developing Taiga and add new features, but for now, our priorities, as mentioned, are to finalize the migration and make sure Taiga runs stable and fast.

Of course, aside from that, we keep on responding to people’s issues both here and on our support email. You can see numerous answers by both @migonzalvar, another member of Taiga Cloud Services, and me.

And let’s not forget that our friends are KALEIDOS are not only to be thanked for creating Taiga and bringing it to what it is today, they are also being an incredible supportive force helping us (and I may assume BIRU as well). They do care greatly about Taiga still, with no signs of that changing on the horizon.

I hope this answer helps mitigate at least some of your fears. There is a lot of work both behind the curtains and in front of them. Perhaps not flashy new features as of now, but important work nonetheless that lays the ground for future development.

Best regards!


Hello @jwinter ,
Right now we are in a transition period for Taiga: it is like you say, Taiga 6 is now being maintained by Taiga Cloud Service and they are actively working on that like @Charlie has detailed.
I’m sorry for the lack of communication on our parts, we are currently preparing the website for Taiga Next (and yes like @Charlie said it will be under a new name, coming soon :slight_smile: ) and the new communication channel for the community.
This past month, we have been working on the codebase, fixing bugs and technical debt as well as preparing what Taiga Next will be and the planned steps to go there. Of course all that will be made public, as well as the code obviously :slight_smile:
Taiga Next is now the main focus of our company and the whole team (5 devs, 1 product designer) is working on it.
As soon as we have everything ready (new website, current codebase and communication channel), I will give an update here to provide everything.
And yes, Kaleidos is still very much present in this adventure, answering to our questions and helping us prepare the future product!
A lot of work is going into that transition, so please don’t take this lack of communication as the death of taiga as this is very very much not the case :smiley:
I will post soon with a whole bunch of announcements!


Hello @Charlie and @Chadys,
Thank you for your detailed responses! I am very glad to hear all of this, and I am excited about the future of TaigaNext especially!
I’m sure this information will be useful to others, as well.
Thank you and everybody else who is working on keeping these projects going!