Proposal: Sort User Stories/Tasks By their Due dates

7/1 - I think it would be really helpful to be able to sort user stories and task by their due dates. So if you put a date or date range it would only show the user stories and tasks from the user story within that date range. This would give you the opportunity to see what tasks need to be completed in that timeline

Additionally, you could do something similar and add an export to google calendar so you can see your due dates that way as well.


I Think it would be very helpfull to be able to FILTER by User Story Due Date status
ie filter by color of the little clock :upside_down_face:

Hi @z1904640 and @henrimarc , if you have missed it, Taiga-Next has become Tenzu (details here) :smiley:
We would be very glad for your feedback there! There is no notion of due date in Tenzu for now but we will studying its use case later on!